
The Journey Begins

Author of Advencher - Cher de Silva

My name is Cher and I love taking photos with my phone. What you will see here will mostly be nature landscapes, stills, some portrait, and a little bit of food photography.

Here are some examples of my photos from my recent Japan trip:

And some food photography which I’m still learning:

Using a mobile phone is really far from using a professional camera, but I do take this opportunity to learn proper angling and finding good light source whether natural or artificial.

When I have the proper device – which I have always dreamed to have – I will make sure to take more and better photos and share my art with the whole world.

Thank you if you’ve reached this point! I hope you enjoy my little blog. Here’s me showing my appreciation with a smile! 🙂

Want to see more of our travel and food photos? Follow us on Instagram!

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